Can essential oils help you handle plastic surgery? You betcha!

I was first turned on to the many benefits of essential oils when I met the founder of 21 Drops, Advanced Clinical Essential Oil Specialist, Cary Caster. She studied aromatherapy in Europe where aromatherapy is widely recognized as a medical treatment — It’s based upon the principle that oils, extracted from various parts of plants, can help support your body’s physical and mental well-being. Essential oils can be anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, have healing properties and strengthen your immune system. They also have many other benefits including the ability to help you focus, feel more passion, control your appetite, detox and even control stress and pain, which makes them the ideal complementary medicine for everyone, including those about to undergo surgery.

As someone who gets anxious before any doctors appointment — be it the dentist for a cleaning, my yearly checkup with my primary care physician or a full body skin check with my dermatologist — I can attest that the use of essential oils to help you relax can be a game-changer as the anxiety is always worse than the actual procedure. Though many swear by anti-anxiety medications like Xanax or Valium, I’m a big fan of essential oils because you can reap similar benefits, without the side effects or possibility of addiction.

Essential oils work through inhalation, topical application or a combination of the two, but are usually most effective when both methods are combined. With inhalation, you simply breathe them in which ignites a physiological response that stimulates changes in your body depending upon the specific essential oil being inhaled. When you apply it topically, minuscule-sized molecules of the essential oil are easily absorbed through the skin where they then pass into the bloodstream to affect change. For better penetration, it’s best to apply to freshly cleansed skin and if the essential oil isn’t already blended, you should mix it in with a thin carrier oil like jojoba or sweet almond oil instead of the heavier ones like olive oil.

Clinical studies have shown that specific essential oils can help get a handle on your daily life and can even be used before during and after surgery to help alleviate a variety of issues. In regards to pre and post op procedures, here’s what you can expect:

  • They can help ease anxiety. Choose lavender, orange, rose or Roman chamomile to reduce stress and apprehension about your upcoming surgery.
  • They can help reduce pain. Eucalyptus has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Rosemary has analgesic and antispasmodic properties. Sandalwood will help relax the nervous system, thereby reducing nerve pain. Depending on what’s causing you discomfort, there’s an oil to help you bear it.
  • They can help with post-operative nausea or vomiting. Choose ginger or peppermint essential oil to help relieve digestive issues.
  • They have anti-bacterial properties. Choose cinnamon, tea tree or lemongrass for help with healing.

It’s important to note that some essential oils are not suitable for pregnant women or people with certain medical conditions as they can have possible interactions when prescribed drugs are involved or when they’re used on those with certain metabolic conditions. Always check with your doctor before incorporating essential oils in any form of your treatment plan.

Click here to see more of my work on Smart Beauty Guide.


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I’m kind of crazy about this polished, interesting undo created by Amit Abraham, Master Stylist for Dop Dop Salon for the Bibhu Mohapatra Fall 2016 Collection. It celebrates the prowess and poise of the mysterious female mind and was inspired by China’s Dragon Lady, Empress Cixi.

Abraham combined symmetical buns, one circular and the either in a wave-like shape. You can easily create your own interpretation or replicate it as is.

To do:
•Blow dry hair super straight and smooth
•Part hair down the middle and tightly pull hair back into two symmetrical ponytails at the occipital bone
•Twist ponytail hair into a flat bun on left side, being aware of the placement of bun so as not to peer out in front
•Take right ponytail and wrap in fine hairnet then secure at the base and wave flat toward front right ear pinning inside of nest to create wave movement
•Polish hair with strong hold gel to remove flyaways
•Finish with hairspray and add hair accessory



(Photography, Luzena Adams)


Vitamins: What You should be taking

The plethora of vitamins on the market reads like the alphabet- literally from A- Zinc. Do we, as women need to guzzle 50 a day to be healthy? How do we make heads or tails from what the media tell us? And at what age do we need certain vitamins?

Here’s your guide to vitamins at every age according to Dr. Christopher Calapai D.O., an NYC-based anti-aging physician who has been called, “The Stem Cell Guru.”

In a perfect world, all of our nutrient needs would come from the best source: Food. However, if your diet isn’t text book perfect then take your “nutritional insurance” a.k.a. a multivitamin, suggests Dr. Calapai. “Research shows taking a well-balanced multivitamin throughout your lifespan helps fill in nutritional gaps in your diet.”

In your 20s and 30s
• Calcium: These are the decades to bone up, as in, maintain your bone mass. Dr. Calapai recommends adults aged 19-50 years take 1,000 milligrams of calcium, daily. If you don’t receive enough calcium from your diet, you may need to take a supplement containing elemental calcium. Elemental calcium refers to the actual amount of calcium in a supplement that’s available for your body to absorb—the rest are compounds making up the supplement. But when supplementing your calcium, read the labels carefully, cautions Dr. Calapai . “For example, if you buy tablets such as calcium carbonate, each tablet contains 1,250 milligrams of calcium,” he says. “Unfortunately, only 500 milligrams is elemental calcium.”

• Vitamin D: The reason we’re severely lacking vitamin D nowadays, much more so than even our parents were, is because we’re missing out on the number-one source of vitamin D: The sun. “Vitamin D is a pro-hormone made in the skin upon exposure to sunlight, and production of it is rapid and robust,” Calapai says. “Within 10 to 20 minutes without wearing sunscreen, people make between 10,000 and 20,000 IU. But because of widespread sunscreen use, total sun avoidance, and our increasingly indoor lifestyles, our vitamin D levels have fallen drastically.” Dr. Calapai says, “Take at least 2,000 IU per day year-round. And although you technically don’t need to supplement on the days that you know you’ll be outside when the sun is high, it’s just easier to take it every day than to try to remember when and not to.”

• Folic Acid: For women in their childbearing years, folic acid is recommended if you’re planning on conceiving anytime soon. “You should take it before you get pregnant to ensure your levels are high because low rates of folic acid can cause a number of birth defects,” says Dr. Calapai. “The recommended dosing of folic acid is 400 micrograms per day if you are age 14 or older.”

• Iron: Iron is another key consideration for menstruating women. “Iron deficiency commonly occurs in pregnant women, causing anemia, which can result in fatigue and weakness,” says Dr. Calapai . “Iron enables red blood cells to carry oxygen and deliver it to body cells.” If you’re pregnant and not getting your daily 27 mg. of iron from sources such as iron-fortified cereals and eggs, then look for it in a supplement containing 16 to 20 mg, or speak to your physician about iron supplementation specifically.

In your 40s
• Calcium: Beginning at age 19 and continuing until age 50, women should consume 1,000 milligrams of calcium daily, according to the Institute of Medicine. This is also the recommended dietary allowance, or RDA, for women above age 19 who are pregnant or breast-feeding. Once you turn 51, the RDA increases to 1,200 milligrams. As long as your daily diet provides enough calcium to meet your RDA, you probably don’t need a supplement unless it’s under the advice of your health care provider. *Note: Never take more of a calcium supplement than is recommended. It could lead to kidney problems or renal failure.

• Vitamin D: Recommendations for vitamin D intake in your 20s and 30s (as explained above) still apply in your 40s. If you are unsure how much vitamin D you actually need, ask your doctor about taking a vitamin D test.

• Folic Acid: Pregnant? Up your daily intake of folic acid to 600 mcg. To meet this need, women should continue taking a multivitamin containing 400 mcg of folic acid throughout their pregnancy.

• Iron: As in your 20s and 30s, be sure to get 27 mg. of iron daily if you are pregnant, whether through your diet or a combination of diet and supplements. Non-pregnant women should aim for 18 mg a day of iron.

In your 50s
• Multivitamin: It’s time to switch to multivitamins designed for adults 50 years and older, says Dr. Calapai. “These multivitamins have significantly less iron than multivitamins for younger women, he says. “For example Centrum Forte for women up to the age of 49 years has 10 mg of iron per tablet and Centrum Select 50+ designed for those over 50 has only 4 mg of iron per tablet, but has additional vitamin B12 to reflect changing nutrient needs.”

• Calcium: For women over 50 years, Dr. Calapai recommends bumping your calcium intake to 1,500 mg. daily.

• Vitamin B12: “Your vitamin B12 needs increases after 50 because the gastrointestinal tract does not absorb vitamin B12 as well as a younger digestive tract,” says Dr. Calapai. He advises those older than 50 get 2.4 micrograms of vitamin B12 daily, mainly by consuming foods fortified with vitamin B12 or a supplement containing vitamin B12.

In your 60s
While the overall needs are similar to those in your 50s, check your multivitamin again to be sure it’s meeting all your nutrient needs because newer health issues such as eye health and heart disease might be manifesting. “Some multivitamins contain key antioxidants such as lutein which may protect against age-related macular degeneration, and lycopene, which may help prevent heart disease,” says Dr. Calapai.


Dr. Christopher Calapai D.O. / Anti-Aging Physician and “The Stem Cell Guru” /

Dr. Christopher Calapai, D.O. is an Osteopathic Physician board certified in family medicine, anti-aging medicine and chelation therapy. Proclaimed as the “The Stem Cell Guru” by the New York Daily News, Dr. Calapai is a leader in the field of stem cell therapy in the U.S.

His stem cell treatments have achieved remarkable results in clinical trials on patients with conditions as varied as Alzheimer’s, arthritis, erectile dysfunction, frailty syndrome, heart, kidney and liver failure, lupus, MS and Parkinson’s.

Dr. Calapai started his practice in New York City in 1986 and for over 25 years he has hosted nationally syndicated radio shows, including his two weekly call-in shows on WABC 770-AM, where he offers health and medical advice. He has a show on Saturday morning 8-9am and Sunday evening from 6-7pm. He has consulted with numerous high-profile individuals including Mike Tyson, Chris Noth, Mickey Rourke, Steven Seagal, and Fox series Gotham’s, Donal Logue and worked as a medical consultant for the New York Rangers hockey team as well as various modeling agencies.

Dr. Calapai received his medical degree from New York College of Osteopathic Medicine and he consults in Manhattan with practices on Long Island, in East Meadow and Plainview. He has appeared on News12 and in the pages of 25A Magazine and Social Life Magazine.

He is the author of E-books Heavy Metals and Chronic Disease, Reverse Diabetes Forever! Seven Steps to Healthy Blood Sugar, Top Ten Supplements You Can’t Live Without, and Glorious Glutathione. Learn more about Dr. Calapai on his website,


(featured image via pinterest)


Getting lucky. Doing the deed. A roll in the hay. Knocking boots. Call it what you may, but do it if for no other reason than good sex boosts your immunity, reduces stress, promotes sleep and increases your self-esteem. And if I can appeal to your more superficial — though no less important side– it also gives you great skin. That’s right! The increased blood circulation helps oxygenate your skin so it glows and even makes your lips a little fuller, albeit temporarily. It also increases collagen production to help decrease and prevent future wrinkles. Work up a good sweat and it’ll eliminate toxins, cleanse your pores and balance hormones to prevent and help control acne.

Want a brighter, younger-looking, clearer complexion and have no partner in sight? If you don’t foresee an active sex life in the near future and aren’t in the mood to take matters into your own hands you can still have great skin.

Here, how your doctor can step in to help:


Ultrasound energy and radio-frequency devices like Ulthera and Thermage are non-ablative (meaning the skin’s surface is not affected) and heat your skin below the surface to boost collagen production and help reduce sagging, thereby tightening the skin. Chronic exposure to to the sun’s ultraviolet light can break down collagen, the major structural component of the skin. These devices can help rebuild and restore collagen, and help reverse the damage.


When it comes to facial fillers, less is most definitely more and you’ll want to be in the skilled hands of cosmetic surgeon or dermatologist that shares the same aesthetic as you. Your doctor can use hyaluronic acid filler or other fillers to subtly swell your lips and add volume to other areas of your face that can use a little lift. Your doctor will inject them directly into problem area and build up the tissue underneath.


Your doctor has many solutions to help treat acne, among them prescription topical treatments such as Aczone, oral care like Accutane and laser therapy such as blue light or pulsed dye lasers. Since many are not without side effects your doctor can help you determine which is the right choice for you.

Looking for a doctor who can give you what you need. Check out


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In my book everyone deserves to find their happily ever so I was delighted to see more than a few of my Facebook friends get engaged this past year. They showed off some gorgeous ring shots on their wall, but I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that some of those photos would have looked so much better if the hands they were on did not look so…OLD.

It might sound catty but I know I’m not alone in my opinion. Social media is actually changing the way people see themselves and many a plastic surgeon has seen an uptick in business thanks to patients coming in and showing them selfies that pinpoint exactly what they’re unhappy with.

Check out your own hands. Do you have age spots, veins, crepey or dry skin? Whether you like it or not, those factors make you look older than you need to look. Because the skin on your hands is incredibly thin and they’re exposed to the elements much more than other areas of the body, the hands tend to age sooner. Fortunately, the day to day things you do can make a positive difference. And if you’re looking for a big change, your doctor has got what it takes. Here, how to make your hands look much, much better:

APPLY SUNSCREEN. Protect your hands from hyper pigmentation, age spots and other forms of sun damage by applying sun protection. A good rule of thumb is to apply it when you’re doing your morning “getting ready” routine and reapply throughout the day when necessary. You’ll like Avon Anew Clinical Absolute Spot Correcting Hand Cream SPF 15 ($17).

WEAR GLOVES. When cleaning your home, doing dishes or yard work and when you’re out in the cold, always wear protective gloves to help prevent dry, damaged skin.

HYDRATE OFTEN. Use your sun protective hand cream throughout the day and also keep hand cream on your bedside table so you dont forget to soften, smooth and nourish while you sleep. Try L’Occitane Shea Butter Hand Cream ($28).

SEE THE DOCTOR.  Regular daily maintenance should do a lot to keep your hands looking their best but if you feel the need to take things up a notch and really reverse the look of aged hands, a visit to the doctor is in order. Many in-office procedures used on the face and other areas of the body can be tailored for the hands to give them the youth boost you’re seeking. These include but are not limited to the following:

-Laser Resurfacing:  Brown spots, sun spots, age spots, liver spots, hyper-pigmentation — whatever you choose to call them — can be broken up and eliminated through the use of lasers that seek out darker pigmented skin.

-Injectable Fillers: Fillers like Restylane, Radiesse and even fat can immediately add volume to the back of the hands for a more youthful and supple look. They’re injected directly beneath the skin to diminish the look of veins and bony joints or tendons.  You can expect results to last up to two years or longer.

-Chemical Peels and Microdermabrasion: Both of these methods can help improve surface issues like rough, scaly skin and hyper-pigmentation issues.

A board certified plastic surgeon or dermatologist can help you decide what options are right for you (click here to find one in your area) and no matter what you decide, strict post-treatment sun protection and skin care is a given if you want to keep your hands looking their best.

Note: For more of my stories on aesthetic procedures, check out my blog posts on Smart Beauty Guide.


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Save your beachy waves and messy updos for another time. This season, a more “done” approach to hair is trending. Embrace polished ponytails and updos and accessorize with a beautiful barrette or hairpin. Right now, I’m loving the Stellar Hair Set ($48) with 3 gold and glimmery options.
















(featured image via


Today, 12/2/15, L’Occitane is partnering with Uber NYC as part of Uber’s inaugural “5 Days of Giving.”

To get your L’Occitane gift (valued at over $100), just follow these simple steps:
1. Open the Uber app, tap the Profile icon in the top left corner, then tap Promotions
2. Enter promo code TAPGETGIVE to unlock the special HOLIDAY option
3. Request HOLIDAY between 11am and 3pm on 12/2 in Manhattan (59th Street and below), Williamsburg, & Greenpoint (no ride required!)
4. If connected, an Uber driver-partner will arrive curbside at your location to hand off your gift (while supplies last)!

*One VERY LUCKY person will also receive an unforgettable grand prize: a four day trip for two to the South of France!!!
During the campaign, Uber will be teaming up with a different brand each day to give you FREE, on-demand, luxurious presents in NYC! Yesterday it was VINCE, today it’s L’Occitane’s turn and the next few days it will be other spectacular brands. 

What are you waiting for? Get lucky!!! xoxoNancy

How far are you willing to go for a slimmer waist?

Many years ago I read a wonderful book, Lisa See’s Snow Flower and the Secret Fan, that opened my eyes to the ancient practice of foot binding. This practice had very young girls repeatedly having their feet broken and tightly wrapped so that they wouldn’t grow larger than 4 inches or so. This began as early as the 10th or 11th Century and didn’t fall out of fashion until the early 20th Century. It seems that women have long been suffering for the sake of beauty.

The things we’ll do: Noses are broken and reset straighter. Ears are pinned back so they don’t stick out. Teeth are filed down and covered with crowns. Breasts are enlarged or lifted or minimized. Fat is sucked out of thighs and abdomens. Skin has acid applied and toxins injected to smooth it. Women still suffer and we do so willingly.

A not-so-secret beauty secret that’s trending right now and practiced by more than a few celebrities is wearing a waist cincher — Kim Kardashian, Jessica Alba and Amber Rose have all posted selfies of themselves with it. This little device is said to dramatically whittle your midsection leaving you with a flatter tummy, a more hourglass figure and better posture. Many users have reported a reduction of 1″ or more when worn up to 10 hours a day for at least 30 days. I tried it for a day or two and for me it was too tight and too uncomfortable. Apparently I’m not willing to suffer that much. It might not be in your best interest to either. When your lungs and ribs are compressed this way it makes it much harder to breathe.  Women have been know to pass out when it’s been worn too tight or kept on for too long. There’s also the fact the many doctors believe it’s not all that effective and real harm can be done.

For now, I’ll stick with a mostly healthy diet and regular exercise regimen, but if you’re looking to slim and contour your waist and diet and exercise aren’t getting you where you want to be, it might be time to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon who can help you get real results. There are numerous options including the following:

  • A Tummy Tuck or Abdominosplasty is a surgical procedure performed to remove excess fat and skin and, in many cases, weakened or separated muscles are restored as well.
  • Liposuction, Lipoplasty or Liposculpture is a procedure that actually breaks up and removes fat from the body via suction.
  •  CoolSculpting is a non-surgical procedure that uses controlled cooling for fat reduction.

A board-certified plastic surgeon will know what’s the best choice or combination of procedures for you, depending on your particular anatomy and frame. Click here to find one in your area.

Note: For more of my stories on aesthetic procedures, check out my blog posts on Smart Beauty Guide.


(featured image via pinterest)



Non-surgical aesthetic procedures are hotter than hot, so it was only a matter of time before liquid nose jobs started gaining in popularity. If you’re not happy with your nose but you’re hesitant to go under the scalpel you don’t have to suffer in silence, or suffer at all for that matter. Non surgical rhinoplasty might be just what you’re looking for. The procedure can make a world of a difference in how your nose looks. It can make it appear straighter, give it more symmetry and balance, fix an indented contour, add definition to the tip and even be used to fix post-operative rhinoplasty indentations, all with very natural results.

Chester, New Jersey – based plastic surgeon, Dr. Larry Weinstein, MD, F.A.C.S. has been using fillers to touch up noses for over twenty years, so clearly it’s not exactly a new thing in the field of aesthetics. The difference though is the number of options available to get the job done. Dr. Weinstein has used Radiesse, Collagen and hyalaronic fillers, his latest preference being Juvederm PLUS. He also likes the possibility of Voluma, which he says “may have application for dorsum saddle nose deformities.” If you are a candidate for a non-surgical nose job, your doctor will be able to choose the right filler or fillers for your particular concerns.

Here’s what you need to know:

  • The actual procedure can take anywhere from 5 minutes to 30 minutes.
  • It can be pain-free when a topical anesthetic is applied 20-30 minutes before the procedure.
  • The results are immediate. You’ll walk out of the office with your new and improved nose.
  • If you’re not happy with the results, the procedure can be reversed quickly and easily with an injection of hyaluronidase to break down the hyaluronic acid fillers used for this procedure.
  • Depending on your doctor, the filler and the amount of work being done, the cost is approximately $650 to $900.
  • It’s not permanent. You can expect the results to last anywhere from 3 months to 2 years, depending on which fillers are chosen and how quickly your body metabolizes the product.
  • To maintain the results you’d need to re-inject the nose.

It’s important to note that though this procedure can make you love looking in the mirror, everyone is not a candidate for non-surgical rhinoplasty. Your doctor can advise whether it is an option for you. With a liquid nose job, the upside is that you can have instant and often dramatic results with virtually no downtime and without the pain, recovery period and higher cost that surgery requires. The downside to this procedure is that the results are not permanent so you’ll have to repeatedly get re-injected which can certainly add up financially, plus the procedure is not without risks of its own.

Think it might be worth trying? Consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon or dermatologist to determine if this procedure is right for you.

Note: For more of my stories on aesthetic procedures, check out my blog posts on Smart Beauty Guide.

(featured image courtesy of pinterest)



This Thursday, November 5th, 2015, grab a bunch of girlfriends and head to your local L’OCCITANE store to kick off the holiday season with complimentary mini-facials, hors d’oeuvres and champagne.

If  you spend $65 or more you’ll receive two travel-size products from their new macaron-inspired collaboration with Pierre Hermé, as well as an exclusive invitation to a private sale.

See you there!!! xoxoNancy